Thank you for joining me to stay connected. I’m thrilled to have you on board!
As you may have noticed, I’m passionate about revealing how technology and healthcare are changing our world. As Christians, we are charged to be set apart, but also to shine Christ’s light in the dark corners of the world for the glory of our Creator. This is what prompted me to start this group.
This site contains only snippets of the content you will receive via email once you join my mailing list. In this periodic email (about once per month, or more often if some new events take place that I think will require immediate attention), you can look forward to exclusive insights and updates about health, medicine, technology, and pharmaceuticals directly in your inbox.
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for science and technology content with a Christian perspective sent monthly (-ish)
My Commitment to you:
I am committed to guiding our endeavors with the unwavering light of Christian truth.
In Technology: I pledge to honor the dignity of every human being by inspecting and analyzing emerging technologies that uplift, protect, and respect the sanctity of life and individual privacy.
In Health: I recognize the immeasurable value of every person, created in God’s image. My approach to health is holistic, acknowledging the intricate balance of body, mind, and spirit as created by God. I commit to investigating healing and caring practices, seeking not only to treat illness but also to nurture well-being.
In Pharmacology: I am mindful of the profound trust placed in physicians and medicine. My bias in the area of treatment is grounded in Christian principles of ethical stewardship of creation and preservation of life, ensuring that our advancements contribute to the flourishing of all people, especially the most vulnerable.
Across All Areas: Guided by the Christian principles of faith, hope, and love, I embrace our responsibility to care for God’s creation, advocating for sustainable practices that honor our Maker and future generations.
In all things, I humbly seek to be a channel for the light of Christ, trusting in His wisdom and providence. I invite collaboration, dialogue, and partnership with all who share this Christian vision for a world where technology, health, and spirituality are in harmony for the glory of God.
If you know someone who may be interested in this content, please do share the QR code below and I will be happy to include them in my updates.
I look forward to the journey ahead!
In Christ Alone
Dr. D